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Scooter Exploration Dive

“Why Kick When You Can Fly?”

Quick Details

Two Tank Scooter Dive

per person + tax

$ 249

Scooter + Regular Shore Dive

1 Tank for Each Dive, per person + tax

$ 229

Exclusively with Dive Kauai -
No Additional Charge For Gear!!

Enjoy the Latest BUZZZ in the Dive Industry: Scuba Scooters

Underwater Scooter Dive with a DPV (Diver Propulsion Vehicle)

Dive Kauai is excited to exclusively offer our experienced certified divers a very special opportunity.  Have you ever wanted to know what it feels like to glide effortlessly through the water like a seal or a shark?  Get that feeling! Pretend to be “James Bond” with our DPV Scooter Dive!

One push of the accelerator and you’re hooked! Our scooters are top-of-the-line Tusa DPVs that can take you on an adventure like no other! Soar over the reefs to phenomenal dive sites like Sheraton Caverns, where you can then tie up the scooter and swim through the awesome cavern system.

Go where your legs alone can not take you. These state-of-the-art diver propulsion vehicles will pull or push a diver up to 4 miles per hour. Our TUSA SAV-7 “With Saddle” diver propulsion vehicles are shaped like a miniature torpedo and are nearly weightless in the water.

The comfortable handles and easy-to-operate trigger make these scooters effortless to operate. The advantages of diving with an underwater scooter are: less energy used, longer bottom times, more distance covered and they’re a ton of fun!

If you’re feeling really adventurous and would like to get your PADI Diver Propulsion Vehicle Specialty Certification, you’ll be able to dive “HANDS-FREE”, using the scooter saddle! This is about as close as a diver can get to swimming like our Hawaiian monk seal!

Experience what other divers only imagine. Scooter dive with Dive Kauai!

Dive Kauai also offers the PADI DPV Specialty Course where you can learn how to operate the scooters “hands-free” and move through the water just like a torpedo. Ask us how today!

SAV-7 Evolution DPV
Free your hands with the new TUSA SAV-7 Evolution Scooter. The SAV-7 is TUSA’s latest underwater vehicle. Improving upon the highly popular SAV-7, the Evolution has several upgrades that make it THE scooter to dive.

Progressive acceleration system:
The SAV-7’s newly design rotational speed adjustment function allows for precise changes to your speed while in motion. This easily activated speed adjustment results in smooth effortless riding and allow for easy synchronization of speed between divers in a variety of geographical areas and varied current conditions.

L.E.D. Battery Indicator:
When the main power switch is turned on, the L.E.D. battery life indicator lights up providing the diver with a guide to remaining battery life.